A bar chart.
A bar chart can handle negative values.
A bar chart can reverse its Y axis.
A bar chart can autoscale it's Y axis.
A bar chart can force a Y domain.
A bar chart Y labels can be formatted.
A stacked bar chart.
All chart features superimposed.
A timeseries chart can have multiple lines.
An area chart.
A stacked area chart.
A chart can mix multiple types.
A chart can have background reference bar and a threshold line.
A chart can update data.
A chart can clear data.
A time slider is used to zoom in a timeseries.
Stacked area chart handle data with gaps.
Line and area charts handle data with gaps.
Line and area charts handle isolated data points.
A chart has an empty state.
A chart can have a "dummy" state to act like a placeholder.
A table chart.
A vertical bar chart with reference bar and summary numbers.
A waterfall chart.
A timeseries area chart.
A timeseries line chart.
A timeseries step chart.
A complex weather chart.
A number widget comes in 3 sizes. It can have a title, a value and some info.
A table can be sorted. It can handle html styles.
A group of buttons can be stacked vertically or horizontally. It can also be exclusive, forcing only one button to be selected.
A group of buttons accepts html labels and can be styled as a legend. Legend element can be toggled on or off.
An alert message has a colored band with icon and a message.
A simple tag style.
A month calendar.
A dropdown.
A dropdown calendar.
A map can have a light or dark basemap.
A map can load raster data. Multiple palettes are available, like a simple linear grayscale and a rainbow palette using histogram equalization.
A map can zoom and pan raster efficiently. A tooltip shows value under the cursor.
A map can load vector data, points and polygons.
A vector map supports markers and rectangle selection. Clicking on the selection deletes it.
A color palette legend to go with the map.